Our office hours are from Monday to Thursday afternoons 14:00 - 16:00.

ARICSA is the sole organization representing the interests of all retirees from UN system organizations who live in Austria. Our volunteers work on various committees to protect pension and health insurance rights, and we help retirees in Austria deal with the local bureaucracy. If you live in Austria and receive a benefit from the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, and are not yet a member, we encourage you to find out more about ARICSA and join our organisation so as to enjoy our membership benefits and strengthen our support of your interests.
Our office is located in the Vienna International Centre, in room C0249B. Visit us on Mondays through Thursdays from 14:00 - 16:00 h. If you need assistance and cannot come to our office in-person, you can leave a message at 01 2600 25116 or 26116 or send an email to inquiries@aricsa.org or office@aricsa.org. Your call/email will be returned as soon as possible.
Please note that you need a user ID and password in order to access much of the information provided on this website. Reminder for our members: generic User ID and password can be found in the Contacts section of each of our Newsletter.


fafics logo ARICSA is a member of the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants, (FAFICS) representing the UN System retirees world-wide